Friday, November 18, 2011

Creating my personal digital story

I enjoyed the process of finding a story among the photos I have in the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet. I have many stories that I deem worthy of publishing. Many stories that would bring tears to the eyes of the viewers. Many stories that tell of the injustice and brutality of life. I chose to tell my story of love. It is the story that gets me through all the days of remembering and worry. It is the story that supports me now. I hope you enjoy it.

I realize that there are some breaks in the sound track. I decided to leave it as is, because the music track in the background is live guitar played by Jamie, to demonstrate how he supports my endeavors. I think that Photostory 3 only recognizes voice, so anyplace I paused to let him play, the recording shut off. I kind of like the raw sound of it. And I think it highlights my learning curve in this project.

You can see it by clicking the personal digital story link on the right.


  1. Shauny,

    I enjoy3d your personal story a lot. I am getting more of a sense of the person that you are. I already knew a few basic things about you fron your post on the discussion board, but what I learned from your photos and your recording helped to make the picture a little clearer. I was really surprised to find out that the guitar was your husband! I think that is really cool. I thought it was a clip from the Internet or something.

    I don't know that this is the right place to post comments on your story, but I was not able to find a place to comment on the same page with the video on your blog or wiki, either one.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow, Shauny! That was lovely indeed -- your photos, words, and most of all the story! Btw, i dont think commenting is turned on on your Google Sites -- err, site...

  4. Glad to see you had a good time creating your video!

  5. I'm always so heart warmed by your love and the way it meanders across the planet. Wonderful piece :) Lovely!


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